Jean Bowman, reputed to be the first woman, Rotarian in Montana, served for may years as the Secretary of the Rotary Club of Missoula, and later as the first President of the Missoula Rotary Foundation. In 2007 she lead a group of Missoula Rotarians on the mission of forming the Missoula Rotary Foundation, with an early major project of raising a large sum of money to use as a match in requesting a grant from Rotary International Foundation. The project was a huge success and the Missoula Rotary Foundation and Missoula Rotarians combined with a match from Rotary International Foundation raised sufficient money to build on whole wing in the new Watson’s Children’s Home located just of Blue Mountain Road. Later the Missoula Rotary Foundation General Endowment Fund was renamed the Jean Bowman Endowment, with a commitment by the board to maintain a minimum principal balance in the fund of $50,000. Today the endowment balance stands at over $110,000.00, This endowment combines with annual fund raising produces the majority of the money that the Missoula Rotary Foundation uses to fun grant to Missoula’s three Rotary Club to assist them in support of charitable causes in Missoula.
Also here is the detail for last grant to put up on the site.
Club: Rotary Club of Missoula
Grantee: Salvation Army
Amount: $1,500
Details on use found in the attached grant approval.