Centennial Rotary Club
A Downtown Rotary Experience Your Way
Member Driven and Member Involved
major Club activities
- RYLA Delegate Sponsor
- Watson Childrens Home Christmas
- Dictionaries for 3rd graders
- Benches on the M hill
- Friends of the Children Chrismas
- Ukrainian Humanitarian and Medical Relief
- Free Saturday Movies for all Children at the Roxy
Current officers
President Miranda Ming
Vice President/President Elect: Kimberly Roth
Treasurer: Lisa Corrigan
Secretary: MaryEllen Campbell
Past-President: Boone Jensen
Live And Virtual Meetings
The Missoula Centennial Rotary Club, the only Rotary opportunity for people in Downtown Missoula, maintains a central business district focus as we work to improve life and human experience in Missoula’s business core.
The Barrel Rome at Pangea
223 N. Higgins Ave.
Missoula, MT 59802
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month at Noon
Contact Information
Miranda Ming
1111 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 54802
(406) 728-4611